Friday, February 2, 2007

Day Four: There's a stillness in the air

Another week has come and gone. Another page turned, milestone passed and all of that shit. Looking back on this week it occurs to me that nobody is reading my blogs. The only comment I've had was from a shameless shill trying to promote her own site. Still, it hasn't stopped me from continuing to post new material. To me this seems parallel to the ancient riddle about a tree falling in the forest when no one is around. I think we can safely conclude that it still makes noise.


Colleen said...

I DID read it.... But now since you referred to me as a "shameless shrill" I might not :P
And I was just reminding you cause we all know how good your memory is. I also posted in concern for your computer.
Maybe you should get a Myspace!!!

Colleen said...
