Friday, February 2, 2007

Day Five: Coffee

Coffee is great.


Lorne L said...

I decided to comment on my own post, because to some it might need an explanation. Also it's refreshing to switch the format once in a while. Coffee is great as a social drink. You can go out and chat with someone for hours drinking coffee and not pass out halfway up the stairs on your way home. Also, you can order coffee in the morning before bars are open. The best thing about coffee is that it smells like happiness and wonderment combined. In the words of a wise, wise man coffee is a "teacher, mother..secret lover". This last part also applies to beer.

Anonymous said...

"coffee is great". spoken like a true poet.

Jen said...

Hahaha yes. The Template rocks. But I must say coffee is gross and it makes me go crazy, not that I already am not.