Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day Nineteen: Price Check in Aisle Twelve

Today I'd like to talk about something that is near and dear to me. Pricing. As the price of living goes up so does the price of everything else. When expenses like food and shelter increase, people demand a higher price as well. These days unless you have a lucrative job it's not feasible to provide necessities for another person or persons as well. Unless you can get a great bargain on essentials it's not economically viable to sustain a slave. Even if you purchase them from a third-world country the upkeep is just too great. Currently it is cheaper to rent your labor during the day and have them pay for their own food and shelter than it is to keep them in seclusion and feed them. If this trend continues all would-be slaves will have to provide for themselves, making their life much harder than it has to be. I say that we make these people free. Free so that everyone can afford to get several slaves and have them cannibalise each other for sustenance.

1 comment:

Troy said...

While having your slaves cannibalize each other for sustenance sounds like a good idea at first a second consideration makes you realize this is impractical long term. The cost of training slaves and the time required for the training to allow them to do their job with any degree of proficiency on top of the medical expenses required, to ensure that in giving them a lucrative and fulfilling career you arent making yourself a sitting target for some infectious disease.