Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day Eighteen: We're all made equal, but some a little more so

Making fun of people is great, but many targets are taboo. You can easily get away with insulting white heterosexual males(at least in Canada). If you decide to pick on a minority though, you are asking for trouble. This includes sexual preference(excluding those already mentioned), religion, race and to a lesser extent, gender. If you are at work and you make a gay joke you're lucky if they don't hang you. However, if you pretend(I'm not saying that I'm not gay, but I am thinking it loudly) that you are gay then you can get away with it because they're not allowed to ask you about your sexual orientation. When you make fun of a specific religion it's pretty hard to get away with it because nobody will make fun of their own religion(it's a sin or something). Racial jokes are the worst because people(unless they're blind) can easily tell if you are of a minority race or not. Also you will be labelled a bigot and people will scream for your blood(unless you live in a redneck town like Kamloops). Sexist jokes are fairly safe if you're smart enough to make sure there are no women within ear shot. I'm not sure if women are actually a minority or not, but often they don't have a sense of humor about it. One group is fair game for everyone. This type is known as stupid. The reason this is acceptable is that they are the largest majority of all people. Also they are not specific to any race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. They even hate each other because of their similarity. The only caution about commenting on their special trait is that you need to make sure that they are truly stupid and not just mentally handicapped.


Lucas said...

I guess I'm at a less "PC" workplace now...considering that Mums are not off limits for bashing, and one of the most common ways to get a coworker's attention is "hey, hooker!".
btw, i caught wind of the fact that one of your coworkers who must not be named is now self-employed in a part-time venture that must not be put into words. gross.

Lucas said...

"Q: I am a white male. Can I still be PC?"

"Sure. You just have to feel very guilty. "

Lorne L said...

Yes, it is very disturbing, but even more so considering who it is.