Friday, March 23, 2007

Day Thirty-one: Great Void

It begins with a chill going up your spine, a shiver, growing into an earth shattering roar. It consumes everything, leaving only cold and darkness in its wake. You can feel the hunger growing as it approaches. Your senses stripped away, leaving only fear and impotence. Its proximity causes pain so excruciating that it fills your thoughts, blocking out even the instinct for escape. All hope is extinguished in its grasp. The All-Devourer, ever hungry and unstoppable, nothing avoids its mandibles.
I wonder what to have for lunch.


Colleen said...

Sounds like something from a Calvin and Hobbes comic.

Lorne L said...

Calvin and Hobbes rock your world.

Anonymous said...

i love porn.

ps lorne, i never thought you would ever be insightful and creative. you have proved me wrong.

Colleen said...

He's insightful and creative... just usually in a creepy, freaky way.

Lorne L said...

You must be tired of being wrong, both of you.

Anonymous said...

You make me super horny... mmmm...