Thursday, April 12, 2007

Day Thirty-five: Thursdays of Mild Interest

This Thursday, similar to most, I could not find anyone who was willing to go out. I ended up taking a nap in the evening, which is something that I rarely do. After an entire day of sitting around the house doing little worth mentioning(things worth mentioning are not related to this topic), I had to go out. It was partly because I wasn't interested in the food I had at home and partly because I was bored out of my tree. I didn't want to go to a restaurant by myself so I headed to subway for a quick sandwich. Then, with the book I am currently re-reading I headed over to Starbucks to get some coffee and take in a few chapters. Now, this is where things get mildly interesting. After getting a second cup of coffee I proceeded to somehow spill it on the counter at which I was sitting. The coffee poured all over my pants, into my shoes and soaked my book. It took about a millisecond to register in my brain at which point I stood up, swore under my breath and began to assess the damage. The front of my pants were saturated, as were my shoes. The pages open in my book were stained tan and many other pages were beginning to swell up. I heard one of the chatty hens behind me say, "I could never get away with that."
Then I got some napkins, cleaned up the counter and my book as best I could and informed the staff of the spill. They offered to give me another coffee, but I declined and decided to go home and change my pants.
Sadly this is the most stimulating Thursday that I can remember.


Colleen said...

You state you hate Starbucks, and Starbucks obviously hates you :P
It was pay back time.

Anonymous said...

Reading? It's come to that, has it?

I understand your situation, as I once had Fridays off, rendering Thursday as a wasted night. I've switched back to Monday-Friday shifts at work now, but next time you're bored, this is what I recommend:

Get stinking drunk by yourself and, between the hours of midnight and 4 a.m., proceed to call everyone you know who has to get up early for work on Friday. As them stupid questions like "You weren't sleeping were you?" and "So, whatcha got planned for breakfast?"

Your friends will be angry at first, but it will grow on them and will soon be just another Lorne 'quirk.' Then one day they'll be sad because you didn't call and wake them up, but it will be because you blacked out in a pool of your own puke outside Denny's, but that'll be another story for another time.

Anonymous said...

OMFG ... Tooo funny Nick!

I must say Lorne probably would do it to, thanks cause I work Fridays at 7am so I would personally drive over to his house and beat him if he ever did that!

Lorne L said...

Unfortunately for that plan I just got a new job and won't be working on weekends anymore.

Anonymous said...

You do NOT dominate the world by
1 reading a boook
2 drinking starbucks
3 waiting for your friends to 'want' to go out
4 sitting at home by yourself

I think my point is clear - you are no long the JACKOFWORLDDOMINATION

Long live Anonymous - I rule

Lorne L said...

Oh, but you do. You can't be obvious about dominating the world. If people know what you're up to they'll try to stop you. Subtlety is the name of this game.

Rades said...

Also, you don't know what book he was reading. It might have been the HANDBOOK GUIDE TO NASTY & DEPLORABLE ACTS OF CRUELTY, VIOLENCE AND OTHER SUCH UNKIND ACTS.

Anonymous said...

Worse than that, it could've been the complete works of Shakespeare. Which is worse? I'll let you decide.