Sunday, February 25, 2007

Day Twenty: Blatant Demands Followed by Threats

I've given Meghan plenty of time now to add a link on her blog for me. And I've also posted subtle(blatant) reminders. Now is the time for action. It took me a while to think up suitable punishment for this oversight. The only thing I could think of that doesn't require me to find a place to put her cat is to stuff her in the freezer. Now Meghan is small, but even she won't fit into her small deep freeze as she is. So I think the best way is to snap her spine in half and fold her up like laundry and then stuff her in there. Every once in a while I can come by and chip off a chunk of her using a claw hammer, then microwave it and feed it to the cat. Eventually the cat will finish her off and I can claim that she fell in the bathtub or something and that the cat had to eat her to survive. Just a friendly reminder to ADD A LINK TO THIS SITE.

I could not post for several days due to problems with a rebel router. The uprising has been crushed and things continue on as usual. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
your lord and master, Jack


Colleen said...

Hmmm...Didn't I post you a comment relating to this subject? In which you called me a shill? :P

Lorne L said...

Yes, but I posted this on my own blog, not on hers. Also I have waited more than long enough. IT'S GO TIME!