Sunday, June 17, 2007

Day Forty: Yo Ho Ho and A Bottle of Rum

It's the pirate's life for me. Pirating software and movies is both fantastic and rewarding. I'm sure you've seen those clips at the beginning of a movie that tell you how pirating hurts multi-billion dollar companies. It always brings a tear to my eye.
I don't have the money to pay for these things, but If I like something that I've stolen I will recommend it to someone who might pay for it. That is the best kind of advertisement there is. To be fair, the companies should be paying me for this service. The people who really hurt these companies are the ones who make shitty copies of said stolen product. I'm not about to recommend someone a movie that had shitty sound quality or a fuzzy picture. If it's not an English version it had better have English subtitles.
When it comes right down to it the companies are really at fault. If they didn't make it so hard to copy the movies then there would be better quality and I would recommend them more highly.

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